“In February 2022 we adopted our beautiful puppy, Callie, from Acadiana Animal Aid. We loved her dearly. Unfortunately, she had a mysterious neurological disorder that was progressing despite all treatment attempts. After loving her for 6 months, things became too unsafe and we had to make the gut-wrenching decision to lay her to rest. Our hearts were broken. Our hearts were not ready to jump into the commitment of adopting again—losing Callie left a huge void in our hearts and lives. I brought up the idea of fostering, that way we could have paws in our home again. My girls wanted to do it right away to help them heal. We started fostering at the end of August 2022. It has been the most wonderful experience. We get these sweet pups who are super scared and with a little bit of patience and love the transformation is amazing. It has been so rewarding for all involved. People say all the time “I couldn’t do it I would get to attached.” Well, you do get attached and show them unconditional love because it is what they deserve. Going into it knowing you are a safe place for them to stay while they get ready for their forever home makes it so worth it. Even my girls will get so excited when they get adopted, then are asking when are we getting the next one? We “failed” with our #7 foster but have continued to foster and hope to do so for a long time.”
Temporary Home, Lasting Love
The Lifesaving Power of Fostering
Fosters provide a temporary home for cats and dogs in need, offering a safe, nurturing environment as a healthy alternative to shelter housing. As a non-profit rescue, our facility has a limited capacity on the number of animals we can save at any given time, and foster homes allow us to increase that number tremendously, responsible for nearly 60% of our lifesaving each year! That’s over 1,000 animals that would not make it out alive without your help!
Our program focuses on the most sensitive population, from animals who are too young, sick, injured or simply in need of socialization, decompression or mental/physical stimulation. Foster families also provide crucial insight into a more accurate assessment of personality, overall behavior and expectations of an in-home lifestyle, helping to better set them up for adoption success.
Whether you can foster for a few days, a few weeks or right through until an adoption placement is found, the comfort and care you bring is insurmountable. We guarantee that your selfless act of compassion will be paid back tenfold, from the gratitude of a shelter pet whose trajectory is forever changed, to their future families that you help build, we thank you for being their hero.
What We Provide:
- Basic care supplies: food, litter, litterbox, leash/collar, ID tag, crate, etc.
- All veterinary care that is overseen by our in-house veterinary staff who specialize in shelter medicine.
- Access to support, advice and training resources from our knowledgeable team of animal care experts.
- Flexible scheduling: we will work with your availability to arrange all pick-ups, drop-offs, vet and adoption appointments.
- Our team manages all adoption processing and placements.
What You Provide:
- The day-to-day care of your foster pet, with a healthy, safe and secure environment in mind.
- Reporting the evaluation of in-home experiences and behaviors.
- Transportation to and from the shelter for scheduled adoption meet and greets, events and vet appointments.
- Socialization to help develop positive family and pet relationships, exposure to new things, as well as daily mental and physical exercise.
Our Foster Programs:

Standard Foster

Weekend Sleepovers

Doggy Day Out

Maternity Fosters