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Puppy Yoga with ZenDog
April 18, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

We are partnering with ZenDog for a Puppy Yoga class!
Join us for a 1-hour beginner yoga class, to support our mission, until they all have a home.
Unleash your Zen
with the help of some of the cutest adoptable puppies!
Bring your own yoga mat and we’ll bring the puppy kisses! And stay tuned for the exact lineup of puppies 

$25 per person, tickets at: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdonate.stripe.com%2FfZe15j0w3bPobXG14u%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0KxvbEx5oCfkas0pCr9-26aAslSUwMosQnluIM0-vs9qCMIj5TfjybOyY&h=AT0ariLVTdHKF26nZ4AB0GEP3P1WZb6z0_CBYjkk4vRYGeagadX4PyJZFrbwb8yx4S-4zutiJDQ6_3g33s2Ki2C_xaQZ905ApEFYuPr-7q4U2QNKQc0n0SnX_2OX2q82c4_qWy52hK0Z0JRpxElsJA